Out 600 and 1.000 MB fiber optic connections include a landline phone with unlimited calls to landlines and mobile phones in Spain. You can bring your current phone number or get a new one.
Calls made |
Price |
Spanish landline numbers (If 3.000 minutes / month are exceeded) | 0,0242 €/min |
Spanish mobile phones (If 3.000 minutes / month are exceeded) | 0,1089 €/min |
901 prefixes | 0,0968 €/min |
902 prefixes | 0,1646 €/min |
Nomad IP (Prefix 51 and 81) | 0,2904 €/min |
1699 Customer support | Free |
Calls to ConectaBalear landlines | Free |
0€ of Establishment of call cost. Except prefixes 901 (9,68 cents), 902 and 700 (16,46 cents).
Calls made (Price/minute) |
Landline | Mobile | Special |
Albania | 0.13673€ | 0.803682€ | 1.583406€ |
Germany | 0.050578€ | 0.148709€ | 0.423621€ |
Andorra | 0.057717€ | 0.209693€ | |
Austria | 0.033638€ | 0.381634€ | 0.381634€ |
Belgium | 0.032549€ | 0.483637€ | 0.063525€ |
Belarus | 0.316294€ | 0.36784€ | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 0.171578€ | 0.345939€ | 0.171578€ |
Bulgaria | 0.061589€ | 0.468512€ | 0.060742€ |
Croatia | 0.354651€ | 0.354651€ | |
Denmark | 0.043318€ | 0.083006€ | 0.083006€ |
Slovakia | 0.023474€ | 0.188518€ | |
Slovenia | 0.128502€ | 0.495616€ | 0.128139€ |
Estonia | 0.404382€ | 0.406197€ | 0.406197€ |
Finland | 0.081554€ | 0.092565€ | |
France | 0.012584€ | 0.087483€ | 0.045254€ |
Gibraltar | 0.038478€ | 0.243573€ | |
Greece | 0.027709€ | 0.103334€ | |
Hungary | 0.016819€ | 0.081554€ | |
Ireland | 0.02299€ | 0.287254€ | 0.150645€ |
Iceland | 0.034243€ | 0.092565€ | 0.092565€ |
Faroe Islands | 0.25289€ | 0.25289€ | |
Italy | 0.02057€ | 0.843491€ | |
Latvia | 0.690426€ | 0.690426€ | 0.690426€ |
Liechtenstein | 0.114829€ | 0.520058€ | |
Lithuania | 0.713658€ | 0.713658€ | 0.713658€ |
Luxembourg | 0.023232€ | 0.235587€ | |
Macedonia | 0.145563€ | 0.445643€ | |
Malta | 0.028677€ | 0.123541€ | 0.123541€ |
Moldova | 0.171699€ | 0.317141€ | |
Monaco | 0.077682€ | 0.413578€ | |
Montenegro | 0.157421€ | 0.403656€ | |
Norway | 0.213565€ | 0.213565€ | |
Netherlands | 0.017666€ | 0.077682€ | 2.334453€ |
Poland | 0.030613€ | 0.200618€ | 0.759517€ |
Portugal | 0.018634€ | 0.063525€ | 0.070664€ |
United Kingdom | 0.033638€ | 0.17787€ | 1.043504€ |
Czech Republic | 0.036179€ | 0.092565€ | 0.092565€ |
Romania | 0.032549€ | 0.171578€ | |
Russian Federation | 0.109747€ | 0.204006€ | |
San Marino | 0.262086€ | 0.262086€ | 1.391258€ |
Sweden | 0.013915€ | 0.057354€ | 0.057354€ |
Switzerland | 0.036542€ | 0.533368€ | 0.533368€ |
Ukraine | 0.118701€ | 0.196262€ | |
Anguilla | 0.117854€ | 0.253858€ | |
Antigua and Barbuda | 0.182589€ | 0.182589€ | |
Aruba | 0.117128€ | 0.353562€ | |
Bahamas | 0.147378€ | 0.272976€ | |
Barbados | 0.12947€ | 0.243573€ | |
Belize | 0.295482€ | 0.295482€ | |
Bermuda | 0.057838€ | 0.057838€ | |
Canada | 0.245146€ | ||
Costa Rica | 0.022264€ | 0.114224€ | |
Cuba | 1.18459€ | ||
Dominica | 0.311091€ | 0.311091€ | |
El Salvador | 0.219373€ | 0.304557€ | |
United States | 0.036058€ | 0.16335€ | |
Grenada | 0.297176€ | 0.315568€ | |
Greenland | 0.66671€ | 0.66671€ | |
Guadeloupe | 0.032307€ | 0.148104€ | |
Guatemala | 0.188518€ | 0.189002€ | |
Haiti | 0.420717€ | 0.406318€ | |
Honduras | 0.181742€ | 0.268499€ | |
Cayman Islands | 0.193358€ | 0.193358€ | |
Turks and Caicos Islands | 0.270314€ | 0.270314€ | |
Virgin Islands, British | 0.282656€ | 0.282656€ | |
Virgin Islands, U.S. | 0.02541€ | ||
Jamaica | 0.273218€ | 0.273218€ | |
Martinique | 0.028677€ | 0.148104€ | |
Mexico | 0.079134€ | 0.060016€ | |
Montserrat | 0.196262€ | 0.196262€ | |
Nicaragua | 0.168674€ | 0.295966€ | |
Panama | 0.044891€ | 0.174966€ | |
Puerto Rico | 0.014157€ | ||
Dominican Republic | 0.10769€ | 0.10769€ | 0.039446€ |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | 0.322707€ | 0.322707€ | |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 0.288706€ | 0.533368€ | |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 0.276485€ | 0.2662€ | |
Saint Lucia | 0.259182€ | 0.259182€ | |
Trinidad and Tobago | 0.270314€ | 0.270314€ | |
Argentina | 0.026741€ | 0.203643€ | |
Bolivia | 0.188518€ | 0.194326€ | |
Brazil | 0.274549€ | 0.274549€ | |
Chile | 0.042592€ | 0.055539€ | 0.973566€ |
Colombia | 0.052514€ | 0.133826€ | 0.21901€ |
Ecuador | 0.269104€ | 0.269104€ | |
French Guiana | 0.036421€ | 0.167464€ | |
Guyana | 0.242363€ | 0.289795€ | |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | 1.021966€ | 1.029589€ | |
Paraguay | 0.048158€ | 0.150645€ | |
Peru | 0.033638€ | 0.159478€ | 0.404987€ |
Suriname | 0.274186€ | 0.274186€ | |
Uruguay | 0.070664€ | 0.223245€ | |
Venezuela | 0.014278€ | 0.059774€ | |
Afghanistan | 0.269104€ | 0.290037€ | |
Saudi Arabia | 0.115555€ | 0.191059€ | |
Armenia | 0.212234€ | 0.216832€ | |
Azerbaijan | 0.283624€ | 0.389378€ | |
Bahrain | 0.109142€ | 0.11011€ | |
Bangladesh | 0.054813€ | 0.037389€ | |
Bhutan | 0.112288€ | 0.112288€ | |
Brunei Darussalam | 0.048158€ | 0.050336€ | |
Cambodia | 0.051304€ | 0.068365€ | |
China | 0.01573€ | 0.01573€ | |
Cyprus | 0.034606€ | 0.110594€ | |
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | 0.539539€ | ||
Korea, Republic of | 0.039688€ | 0.039688€ | |
United Arab Emirates | 0.221067€ | 0.221067€ | |
Philippines | 0.180411€ | 0.212597€ | 1.675971€ |
Georgia | 0.158389€ | 0.158389€ | |
Hong Kong | 0.016819€ | 0.007986€ | 0.017424€ |
India | 0.024442€ | 0.024442€ | |
Indonesia | 0.090266€ | 0.09559€ | 0.031581€ |
Iran | 0.086515€ | 0.104907€ | |
Iraq | 0.086878€ | 0.163592€ | |
Israel | 0.017666€ | 0.240064€ | |
Japan | 0.051667€ | 0.143264€ | |
Jordan | 0.096558€ | 0.165286€ | |
Kazakhstan | 0.127534€ | 0.127534€ | |
Kyrgyzstan | 0.170005€ | 0.151008€ | |
Kuwait | 0.09317€ | 0.118338€ | |
Laos | 0.046706€ | 0.046706€ | |
Lebanon | 0.153307€ | 0.217558€ | |
Macao | 0.04719€ | 0.04719€ | |
Malaysia | 0.032307€ | 0.041624€ | |
Maldives | 0.873499€ | 0.873499€ | |
Mongolia | 0.068365€ | 0.068365€ | |
Myanmar | 0.387563€ | 0.443586€ | |
Nepal | 0.125477€ | 0.132011€ | |
Oman | 0.146168€ | 0.321376€ | |
Pakistan | 0.024442€ | 0.030371€ | |
Palestine | 0.215622€ | 0.240064€ | |
Qatar | 0.19481€ | 0.241032€ | |
Singapore | 0.011616€ | 0.011616€ | |
Syrian Arab Republic | 0.203643€ | 0.203643€ | |
Sri Lanka | 0.163592€ | 0.161656€ | |
Thailand | 0.02057€ | 0.02057€ | |
Taiwan | 0.021538€ | 0.127534€ | 0.113619€ |
Tajikistan | 0.185856€ | 0.169642€ | |
East Timor | 1.174184€ | 1.174184€ | |
Turkmenistan | 0.140965€ | 0.140965€ | |
Turkey | 0.087483€ | 0.234014€ | 0.02904€ |
Uzbekistan | 0.094622€ | 0.09317€ | |
Vietnam | 0.049973€ | 0.048158€ | |
Yemen | 0.18271€ | 0.18271€ | |
Algeria | 0.07865€ | 0.480854€ | |
Angola | 0.114587€ | 0.114587€ | |
Benin | 0.26257€ | 0.26257€ | |
Botswana | 0.115434€ | 0.273218€ | |
Burkina Faso | 0.25773€ | 0.319682€ | |
Burundi | 0.084821€ | 0.137819€ | |
Cape Verde | 0.311454€ | 0.311454€ | |
Cameroon | 0.183557€ | 0.314963€ | |
Chad | 0.214896€ | 0.327547€ | |
Comoros | 0.51425€ | ||
Congo | 0.483637€ | 0.533731€ | |
Ivory Coast | 0.363605€ | 0.363605€ | |
Egypt | 0.07744€ | 0.07744€ | |
Eritrea | 0.319682€ | 0.319682€ | |
Ethiopia | 0.313632€ | 0.302621€ | |
Gabon | 0.47916€ | 0.486178€ | |
Gambia | 0.590238€ | 0.57233€ | |
Ghana | 0.282656€ | 0.291731€ | |
Guinea | 0.537603€ | 0.599797€ | |
Equatorial Guinea | 0.238491€ | 0.238491€ | |
Guinea-Bissau | 0.495253€ | 0.381029€ | |
Kenya | 0.088693€ | 0.102245€ | |
Lesotho | 0.297539€ | 0.316778€ | |
Liberia | 0.528528€ | 0.223003€ | |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 0.283987€ | 0.410674€ | |
Madagascar | 0.611171€ | 0.607662€ | |
Malawi | 0.108658€ | 0.108658€ | |
Mali | 0.33517€ | 0.33759€ | |
Morocco | 0.327184€ | 0.468512€ | |
Mauritius | 0.152581€ | 0.152581€ | |
Mauritania | 0.488598€ | 0.488598€ | |
Mayotte | 0.114466€ | 0.51425€ | |
Mozambique | 0.087483€ | 0.321134€ | |
Namibia | 0.084458€ | 0.17545€ | |
Niger | 0.264869€ | 0.253616€ | |
Nigeria | 0.123178€ | 0.115555€ | |
Central African Republic | 0.364936€ | 0.460042€ | |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the | 0.357797€ | 0.370744€ | |
Reunion | 0.033638€ | 0.101277€ | |
Rwanda | 0.151976€ | 0.155606€ | |
Saint Helena | 1.340075€ | ||
Sao Tome and Principe | 1.137642€ | 1.137642€ | |
Senegal | 0.209693€ | 1.053547€ | |
Seychelles | 0.317746€ | 0.317746€ | |
Sierra Leone | 0.549582€ | 0.549582€ | |
Somalia | 0.592416€ | 0.59169€ | |
Swaziland | 0.077682€ | 0.228085€ | |
South Africa | 0.10164€ | 0.152702€ | |
Sudan | 0.29161€ | 0.29161€ | |
Tanzania | 0.249986€ | 0.249986€ | |
Togo | 0.417571€ | 0.458469€ | |
Tunisia | 0.516549€ | 0.495253€ | 0.516549€ |
Uganda | 0.14036€ | 0.172062€ | |
Djibouti | 0.453629€ | ||
Zambia | 0.106722€ | 0.168674€ | |
Zimbabwe | 0.563134€ | 0.563134€ | |
Netherlands Antilles | 0.149314€ | 0.162382€ | 0.138666€ |
Australia | 0.063525€ | 0.159478€ | |
Fiji | 0.289795€ | 0.289795€ | |
Guam | 0.026499€ | ||
Cook Islands | 0.904112€ | ||
Northern Mariana Islands | 0.039446€ | 0.039446€ | |
Marshall Islands | 0.354893€ | ||
Solomon Islands | 1.203587€ | 1.203587€ | |
Kiribati | 0.762179€ | 0.762179€ | |
Micronesia | 0.27588€ | 0.27588€ | |
Nauru | 1.061896€ | 1.061896€ | |
Niue | 0.803682€ | 0.803682€ | |
New Caledonia | 0.242363€ | 0.242605€ | |
New Zealand | 0.026499€ | 0.133947€ | 0.026499€ |
Palau | 0.385627€ | 0.385627€ | |
Papua New Guinea | 0.822558€ | 0.822558€ | |
French Polynesia | 0.25652€ | 0.358523€ | |
Samoa | 0.651827€ | ||
American Samoa | 0.064614€ | ||
Tokelau | 1.563562€ | ||
Tonga | 0.489566€ | ||
Tuvalu | 0.843491€ | ||
Vanuatu | 0.583462€ | 0.583462€ | |
Wallis and Futuna | 1.043504€ | ||
Antarctica | 1.424291€ | ||
Serbia and Montenegro | 0.455202€ | 0.403656€ | |
Ascension Island | 1.692306€ | ||
Kosovo | 0.154154€ | ||
Diego Garcia | 1.466762€ | ||
Iridium | 5.686758€ | ||
Sudan South | 0.370018€ | ||
Thuraja | 2.110603€ | ||
Globalstar | 6.723123€ | ||
Inmarsat | 7.528862€ | ||
Emsat | 4.845566€ |
Upgrade your landline with a flat rate to call landlines and mobile lines within a multiple amount of countries in Europe without additional costs
100 minutes | 10 €/month |
300 minutes | 25 €/month |
500 minutes | 40 €/month |
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