Landline service

Out 600 and 1.000 MB fiber optic connections include a landline phone with unlimited calls to landlines and mobile phones in Spain. You can bring your current phone number or get a new one.

Flat rate

Included for free with 600 and 1.000 MB connections
Choose a Fiber Rate
  • Unlimited calls
    to landlines and mobile lines
  • International plans
    from 10 €/month
Unlimited calls subject to reasonable and non-commercial use. Maximum 3.000 minutes to national mobile and landlines and 150 different destinations

Call cost

Calls made

Spanish landline numbers (If 3.000 minutes / month are exceeded) 0,0242 €/min
Spanish mobile phones (If 3.000 minutes / month are exceeded) 0,1089 €/min
901 prefixes 0,0968 €/min
902 prefixes 0,1646 €/min
Nomad IP (Prefix 51 and 81) 0,2904 €/min
1699 Customer support Free
Calls to ConectaBalear landlines Free
Establishment calls

0€ of Establishment of call cost. Except prefixes 901 (9,68 cents), 902 and 700 (16,46 cents).

Search rates by country

Calls made (Price/minute)

Landline Mobile Special
Albania 0.13673€ 0.803682€ 1.583406€
Germany 0.050578€ 0.148709€ 0.423621€
Andorra 0.057717€ 0.209693€
Austria 0.033638€ 0.381634€ 0.381634€
Belgium 0.032549€ 0.483637€ 0.063525€
Belarus 0.316294€ 0.36784€
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.171578€ 0.345939€ 0.171578€
Bulgaria 0.061589€ 0.468512€ 0.060742€
Croatia 0.354651€ 0.354651€
Denmark 0.043318€ 0.083006€ 0.083006€
Slovakia 0.023474€ 0.188518€
Slovenia 0.128502€ 0.495616€ 0.128139€
Estonia 0.404382€ 0.406197€ 0.406197€
Finland 0.081554€ 0.092565€
France 0.012584€ 0.087483€ 0.045254€
Gibraltar 0.038478€ 0.243573€
Greece 0.027709€ 0.103334€
Hungary 0.016819€ 0.081554€
Ireland 0.02299€ 0.287254€ 0.150645€
Iceland 0.034243€ 0.092565€ 0.092565€
Faroe Islands 0.25289€ 0.25289€
Italy 0.02057€ 0.843491€
Latvia 0.690426€ 0.690426€ 0.690426€
Liechtenstein 0.114829€ 0.520058€
Lithuania 0.713658€ 0.713658€ 0.713658€
Luxembourg 0.023232€ 0.235587€
Macedonia 0.145563€ 0.445643€
Malta 0.028677€ 0.123541€ 0.123541€
Moldova 0.171699€ 0.317141€
Monaco 0.077682€ 0.413578€
Montenegro 0.157421€ 0.403656€
Norway 0.213565€ 0.213565€
Netherlands 0.017666€ 0.077682€ 2.334453€
Poland 0.030613€ 0.200618€ 0.759517€
Portugal 0.018634€ 0.063525€ 0.070664€
United Kingdom 0.033638€ 0.17787€ 1.043504€
Czech Republic 0.036179€ 0.092565€ 0.092565€
Romania 0.032549€ 0.171578€
Russian Federation 0.109747€ 0.204006€
San Marino 0.262086€ 0.262086€ 1.391258€
Sweden 0.013915€ 0.057354€ 0.057354€
Switzerland 0.036542€ 0.533368€ 0.533368€
Ukraine 0.118701€ 0.196262€
Anguilla 0.117854€ 0.253858€
Antigua and Barbuda 0.182589€ 0.182589€
Aruba 0.117128€ 0.353562€
Bahamas 0.147378€ 0.272976€
Barbados 0.12947€ 0.243573€
Belize 0.295482€ 0.295482€
Bermuda 0.057838€ 0.057838€
Canada 0.245146€
Costa Rica 0.022264€ 0.114224€
Cuba 1.18459€
Dominica 0.311091€ 0.311091€
El Salvador 0.219373€ 0.304557€
United States 0.036058€ 0.16335€
Grenada 0.297176€ 0.315568€
Greenland 0.66671€ 0.66671€
Guadeloupe 0.032307€ 0.148104€
Guatemala 0.188518€ 0.189002€
Haiti 0.420717€ 0.406318€
Honduras 0.181742€ 0.268499€
Cayman Islands 0.193358€ 0.193358€
Turks and Caicos Islands 0.270314€ 0.270314€
Virgin Islands, British 0.282656€ 0.282656€
Virgin Islands, U.S. 0.02541€
Jamaica 0.273218€ 0.273218€
Martinique 0.028677€ 0.148104€
Mexico 0.079134€ 0.060016€
Montserrat 0.196262€ 0.196262€
Nicaragua 0.168674€ 0.295966€
Panama 0.044891€ 0.174966€
Puerto Rico 0.014157€
Dominican Republic 0.10769€ 0.10769€ 0.039446€
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.322707€ 0.322707€
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 0.288706€ 0.533368€
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.276485€ 0.2662€
Saint Lucia 0.259182€ 0.259182€
Trinidad and Tobago 0.270314€ 0.270314€
Argentina 0.026741€ 0.203643€
Bolivia 0.188518€ 0.194326€
Brazil 0.274549€ 0.274549€
Chile 0.042592€ 0.055539€ 0.973566€
Colombia 0.052514€ 0.133826€ 0.21901€
Ecuador 0.269104€ 0.269104€
French Guiana 0.036421€ 0.167464€
Guyana 0.242363€ 0.289795€
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1.021966€ 1.029589€
Paraguay 0.048158€ 0.150645€
Peru 0.033638€ 0.159478€ 0.404987€
Suriname 0.274186€ 0.274186€
Uruguay 0.070664€ 0.223245€
Venezuela 0.014278€ 0.059774€
Afghanistan 0.269104€ 0.290037€
Saudi Arabia 0.115555€ 0.191059€
Armenia 0.212234€ 0.216832€
Azerbaijan 0.283624€ 0.389378€
Bahrain 0.109142€ 0.11011€
Bangladesh 0.054813€ 0.037389€
Bhutan 0.112288€ 0.112288€
Brunei Darussalam 0.048158€ 0.050336€
Cambodia 0.051304€ 0.068365€
China 0.01573€ 0.01573€
Cyprus 0.034606€ 0.110594€
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 0.539539€
Korea, Republic of 0.039688€ 0.039688€
United Arab Emirates 0.221067€ 0.221067€
Philippines 0.180411€ 0.212597€ 1.675971€
Georgia 0.158389€ 0.158389€
Hong Kong 0.016819€ 0.007986€ 0.017424€
India 0.024442€ 0.024442€
Indonesia 0.090266€ 0.09559€ 0.031581€
Iran 0.086515€ 0.104907€
Iraq 0.086878€ 0.163592€
Israel 0.017666€ 0.240064€
Japan 0.051667€ 0.143264€
Jordan 0.096558€ 0.165286€
Kazakhstan 0.127534€ 0.127534€
Kyrgyzstan 0.170005€ 0.151008€
Kuwait 0.09317€ 0.118338€
Laos 0.046706€ 0.046706€
Lebanon 0.153307€ 0.217558€
Macao 0.04719€ 0.04719€
Malaysia 0.032307€ 0.041624€
Maldives 0.873499€ 0.873499€
Mongolia 0.068365€ 0.068365€
Myanmar 0.387563€ 0.443586€
Nepal 0.125477€ 0.132011€
Oman 0.146168€ 0.321376€
Pakistan 0.024442€ 0.030371€
Palestine 0.215622€ 0.240064€
Qatar 0.19481€ 0.241032€
Singapore 0.011616€ 0.011616€
Syrian Arab Republic 0.203643€ 0.203643€
Sri Lanka 0.163592€ 0.161656€
Thailand 0.02057€ 0.02057€
Taiwan 0.021538€ 0.127534€ 0.113619€
Tajikistan 0.185856€ 0.169642€
East Timor 1.174184€ 1.174184€
Turkmenistan 0.140965€ 0.140965€
Turkey 0.087483€ 0.234014€ 0.02904€
Uzbekistan 0.094622€ 0.09317€
Vietnam 0.049973€ 0.048158€
Yemen 0.18271€ 0.18271€
Algeria 0.07865€ 0.480854€
Angola 0.114587€ 0.114587€
Benin 0.26257€ 0.26257€
Botswana 0.115434€ 0.273218€
Burkina Faso 0.25773€ 0.319682€
Burundi 0.084821€ 0.137819€
Cape Verde 0.311454€ 0.311454€
Cameroon 0.183557€ 0.314963€
Chad 0.214896€ 0.327547€
Comoros 0.51425€
Congo 0.483637€ 0.533731€
Ivory Coast 0.363605€ 0.363605€
Egypt 0.07744€ 0.07744€
Eritrea 0.319682€ 0.319682€
Ethiopia 0.313632€ 0.302621€
Gabon 0.47916€ 0.486178€
Gambia 0.590238€ 0.57233€
Ghana 0.282656€ 0.291731€
Guinea 0.537603€ 0.599797€
Equatorial Guinea 0.238491€ 0.238491€
Guinea-Bissau 0.495253€ 0.381029€
Kenya 0.088693€ 0.102245€
Lesotho 0.297539€ 0.316778€
Liberia 0.528528€ 0.223003€
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 0.283987€ 0.410674€
Madagascar 0.611171€ 0.607662€
Malawi 0.108658€ 0.108658€
Mali 0.33517€ 0.33759€
Morocco 0.327184€ 0.468512€
Mauritius 0.152581€ 0.152581€
Mauritania 0.488598€ 0.488598€
Mayotte 0.114466€ 0.51425€
Mozambique 0.087483€ 0.321134€
Namibia 0.084458€ 0.17545€
Niger 0.264869€ 0.253616€
Nigeria 0.123178€ 0.115555€
Central African Republic 0.364936€ 0.460042€
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the 0.357797€ 0.370744€
Reunion 0.033638€ 0.101277€
Rwanda 0.151976€ 0.155606€
Saint Helena 1.340075€
Sao Tome and Principe 1.137642€ 1.137642€
Senegal 0.209693€ 1.053547€
Seychelles 0.317746€ 0.317746€
Sierra Leone 0.549582€ 0.549582€
Somalia 0.592416€ 0.59169€
Swaziland 0.077682€ 0.228085€
South Africa 0.10164€ 0.152702€
Sudan 0.29161€ 0.29161€
Tanzania 0.249986€ 0.249986€
Togo 0.417571€ 0.458469€
Tunisia 0.516549€ 0.495253€ 0.516549€
Uganda 0.14036€ 0.172062€
Djibouti 0.453629€
Zambia 0.106722€ 0.168674€
Zimbabwe 0.563134€ 0.563134€
Netherlands Antilles 0.149314€ 0.162382€ 0.138666€
Australia 0.063525€ 0.159478€
Fiji 0.289795€ 0.289795€
Guam 0.026499€
Cook Islands 0.904112€
Northern Mariana Islands 0.039446€ 0.039446€
Marshall Islands 0.354893€
Solomon Islands 1.203587€ 1.203587€
Kiribati 0.762179€ 0.762179€
Micronesia 0.27588€ 0.27588€
Nauru 1.061896€ 1.061896€
Niue 0.803682€ 0.803682€
New Caledonia 0.242363€ 0.242605€
New Zealand 0.026499€ 0.133947€ 0.026499€
Palau 0.385627€ 0.385627€
Papua New Guinea 0.822558€ 0.822558€
French Polynesia 0.25652€ 0.358523€
Samoa 0.651827€
American Samoa 0.064614€
Tokelau 1.563562€
Tonga 0.489566€
Tuvalu 0.843491€
Vanuatu 0.583462€ 0.583462€
Wallis and Futuna 1.043504€
Antarctica 1.424291€
Serbia and Montenegro 0.455202€ 0.403656€
Ascension Island 1.692306€
Kosovo 0.154154€
Diego Garcia 1.466762€
Iridium 5.686758€
Sudan South 0.370018€
Thuraja 2.110603€
Globalstar 6.723123€
Inmarsat 7.528862€
Emsat 4.845566€

Bonus for Europe calls

Upgrade your landline with a flat rate to call landlines and mobile lines within a multiple amount of countries in Europe without additional costs

100 minutes 10 €/month
300 minutes 25 €/month
500 minutes 40 €/month

Included countries

United Kingdom
Czech Republic

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