Setup, extra devices, and additional services

Beyond your Internet connection we also offer additional devices and services so you can get the Internet you need wherever you need

Additional installations and services

Other installation prices

Some specific scenarios may have a different setup price, but don't worry, we'll always let you know in advance.

  • Advanced setup

    Offer 130 € Offer Retail price: 180 €

    For complex and unusual setups, such as: hotels, agrotourisms, installation through external cable boxes, etc.

  • Setup using an existing cable installation

    Offer 0 € Offer Retail price: 50 €

    For homes that already have network cable installed where the antenna will be installed. For example, when migrating from other providers.

  • Setup with remote activation

    0 €

    For setups that only require a remote activation of the antenna or community device already installed on the home.

Other installation prices

Some specific scenarios may have a different setup price, but don't worry, we'll always let you know in advance.

  • Advanced setup

    Offer 130 € Offer Retail price: 300 €

    For complex and unusual setups, such as: hotels, agrotourisms, installation through external cable boxes, etc.

  • Migration from Lite to Pro

    Offer 0 € Offer Retail price: 59 €

    For users that choose to upgrade their current Lite connection to a new plan with WiMAX Pro technology.

  • Setup using an existing cable installation

    Offer 0 € Offer Retail price: 200 €

    For homes that already have network cable installed where the antenna will be installed. For example, when migrating from other providers.

  • Setup with remote activation

    0 €

    For setups that only require a remote activation of the antenna or community device already installed on the home.

Setup of additional devices during the installation

The following list contains additional devices that you may request during the setup of your Internet service. You may supply your own devices too, provided they are compatible with our network.

  • Concept
    Devices cost
    Cost of the setup
  • Additional router, switch, or Unifi: up to 50 meters*
    Devices cost: Depending on model
    Setup: 50 €
  • Additional router, switch, or Unifi: 50 – 100m*
    Devices cost: Depending on model
    Setup: 80 €
  • Installation of a VoIP or phone converter
    Devices cost: Depending on model
    Setup: 0 €
  • External Picostation, Nanostation, or Unifi Mesh*
    Devices cost: Depending on model
    Setup: 50 €
  • Link to a nearby shed using 5GHz antennas**
    Devices cost: 260 €
    Setup: Advanced setup
* Includes CAT5 FTP cable according to the specified distance, RJ45 connectors, labor time (2 Hrs), and configuration. Price per additional hour 36€
** Includes CAT5 FTP cable according to the specified distance, RJ45 connectors, labor time (2 Hrs), and configuration. Price per additional hour 36€. When performed during a new installation, it is treated as an advanced installation. Monthly maintenance fee: 5€

Setup additional devices in an existing installation

Setup and extension prices for homes that already have a ConectaBalear Internet connection.

  • Concept
    Devices cost
    Cost of the setup
  • Additional router, switch, or Unifi: up to 50 meters*
    Devices cost: Depending on model
    Setup: 75 €
  • Additional router, switch, or Unifi: 50 – 100m*
    Devices cost: Depending on model
    Setup: 105 €
  • Installation of a VoIP or phone converter
    Devices cost: Depending on model
    Setup: 0 €
  • External Picostation, Nanostation, or Unifi Mesh*
    Devices cost: Depending on model
    Setup: 75 €
  • Relocation of a main router (POE): up to 50 meters*
    Devices cost: -
    Setup: 75 €
  • Relocation of the external antenna per customer's request
    Devices cost: -
    Setup: 75 €
  • Link to a nearby shed using 5GHz antennas**
    Devices cost: 260 €
    Setup: 100 €
  • Breakage of the cable between the antenna and POE
    Devices cost: -
    Setup: 50 €
Travel cost (25€) already included in the installation prices shown. In case of several jobs for the same installation only a single travel cost will be charged.
* Includes CAT5 FTP cable according to the specified distance, RJ45 connectors, labor time (2 Hrs), and configuration. Price per additional hour 36€
** Includes CAT5 FTP cable according to the specified distance, RJ45 connectors, labor time (2 Hrs), and configuration. Price per additional hour 36€. Monthly maintenance fee: 5€


We offer you a variety of devices to complement your Internet connection. If you are interested in acquiring any of them contact us.

    WiFi AC Gigabit Router 50 €
    External extenders 130 €
    Unifi UAP-AC 150 €
    Unifi Mesh 150 €
    VoIP Phone 145 €
    VoIP converter 50 €
    VoIP complement 110 €
    5 ports Gigabit Switch 20 €
    8 ports Gigabit Switch 30 €
    24 ports Gigabit Switch 180 €
    Pole external switch 45 €

    Additional services

    Other services to complement your Internet connection

    Interested in any of these services?

    Call us on 1699 for free and we will advise you

    Do you want internet in your house? Check the coverage and ask for an installation appointment